FBC Odem has teamed up with the Coastal Bend Food Bank and two other community churches to provide food for families in need throughout the year. Food distribution is held on the fourth Saturday of each month, with doors opening at 8:00 am. FBC Odem hosts the food pantry distribution during the months of August, September, October and November each year.
We invite you to participate in this service to our community. The delivery truck arrives on Friday, after which volunteers sort the food into boxes, then on Saturday volunteers help carry the boxes to the vehicles, and/or to deliver to those who are homebound.
Oscar Guerra, Chairman of Deacons, and his wife, Dominga, are the leaders of the Food Pantry program.
FOOD PANTRY - AUGUST THROUGH NOVEMBER - First Baptist Church of Odem will host for these months.
Volunteers are needed to unload the truck and to sort food into boxes for Distribution.
Volunteers are needed to carry boxes to the vehicles for those we serve, as many of them can not carry the weight of the food box. All are welcome to help.